Saturday, April 20, 2024

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How To Get Our Of A “Treadmill Theology” Mindset

By Dr. Kenneth Kuykendall For most of the year, it is folded up in the corner of our basement and used primarily to hang bags...

The King James Bible

Soulwinning Helps

What You Can Do to Help a New Convert Grow

It is a very important element in soul winning for a person to go forward and make their decision public. They will certainly not...

Questions To Walk Through When Soulwinning

I think that is the best question that I have ever used. Some use, “Do you know Jesus? Are you born again? Are you saved?

The Difference Made to One Bus Kid

" life would have taken a much different route without those few people who thought, 'Maybe I can make a difference.'”

Wisdom That Comes Only From Soulwinning

There are vast multitudes in this enlightened land of ours who are in open rebellion against God. "We will not have this man, Jesus Christ, to reign over us," is the heartless cry that winds its flight from office, shop, store, factory, home, college, and the busy mart of trade. Lots of people are willing, my friends, to accept whatever they want from the Bible.

Dress Up Not Down To Go Soulwinning

There are two or three things a soul winner ought to watch. A soul winner ought to always watch his odor. That is tremendously important. Not only watch about your body odor, but you ought to be careful about your breath. One thing that will hurt more than most anything else in soul winning is bad breath.

How To Always Be Prepared For Soulwinning

Personally I think it much better to carry a Testament than a Bible. Now do not be ashamed of the Bible, but if you plan to shoot a fellow, don’t carry your gun out in the open up to his house. The best thing to do is to conceal your weapon.

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3 Sure Ways To Kill A Church

All of us have heard of the tragic results when doctors make a mistake and give the patient the wrong injection or pills.

5 Things That Could Happen Because You Are Lying

Let me begin by giving a brief word study on these verses. The word, "words," can be translated "a tasty, deadly morsel" or "words of sport."

Prayer Meeting vs Bible Study: Which Is Better?

People who change their practices do so because they do not truly understood the reasons behind something. I am not saying that to be...

7 Reasons To Develop Your Writing Skills

Writing is not a gift. It is a skill and it is a skill that far too few Christian leaders and pastors have mastered...

Pastor, We See You

"To the preachers and pastors out there who work and love their people tirelessly, please know that we the church folks—we the laypeople—see you!"

Undercover Pastor

Several years ago CBS television network began to air a show entitled Undercover Boss, which showed a CEO of a large corporation going undercover...

Prayer Helps

Hymn Stories

The Story Behind The Hymn “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus”

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss! Written during a time...

Jesus Paid It All: The Story Behind The Hymn

Jesus Paid It All was written under unusual circumstances. Did your mind ever wander during a Sunday service?

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