Saturday, December 21, 2024

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Why Many Of Out Struggles Are Our Own Fault

Jesus said that we shall face tribulation in this world – that is, troubles, trials, and terrors. Of this we can be sure!

The King James Bible

Soulwinning Helps

Going Soulwinning? Here’s 7 Ways You Can Get The Most Out Of Your Time!

We make here some brief suggestions that have proved helpful as people plan to win souls.

He That Winneth Souls is Wise- Part II

by Billy Sunday: Soul Winning is Difficult Work Now, it is a difficult form of work. It is more difficult than preaching; it is more difficult...

Stay in Crete

By  Dr. Jack Hyles: "To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord...

A Vision of the Lost

They were living carelessly in the most open and shameless rebellion against God, without a thought for their eternal welfare.

Overcoming Common Hindrances to Soulwinning

"Did we tell someone about Jesus today? Why do we fail to tell the greatest story ever told?"

How To Make Everybody Happy

In 1 Samuel 6:20-7:1, we find the story of the Philistines returning the Ark of God to the people of Israel.

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People give all types of reasons for why they no longer attend church. Most of those given mask the real reasons someone becomes a former church member?

The Sorrows of Backsliding

That is what backsliding can do to the child of God.

Peter Got Out of the Boat

"Let us keep looking to Jesus as our focus and fervent hope, while responding to his rebukes and rejoicing in His commendations."

Stop Being Lazy & Get OFF Welfare Now!

Spiritual welfare that is....... There is a saying that goes: While many people joke about this, this is a sad but true reality of today's...

The Imploding Church

Let’s assume you are going to start a church from nothing. The one thing you must consider is, where are we going to meet?

Why Gossip Is Destroying Our Churches

What is destroying our churches today? Is it adultery? Is it pornography? Is it lying? No doubt these sins are all serious and problematic but...

Prayer Helps

Hymn Stories

The Story Behind The Hymn “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus”

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss! Written during a time...

Hold the Fort

"This story so captivated Bliss’s creative mind that he could not sleep that night until he had penned the words to the song,..."

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