Friday, January 17, 2025

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The Story Behind The Hymn: Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Composer Thomas Chisolm Writes Great is Thy Faithfulness Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960) had a difficult early adult life. His health was so fragile that there...

Article of the Day

Preach The Word

by Jeremy Farley I’ve been serving the Lord for little more than a decade now and throughout the entire duration of this time I have...

The King James Bible

Soulwinning Helps

There Is Only One Way To Heaven; Period!

More than messages on temperance, more than messages on church discipline, is the need for the message of God's way of salvation.

The Cost of Being a Soulwinner

by C.H. Spurgeon:  I WANT to say a word to you who are trying to bring souls to Jesus. You long and pray to...

A Vision of the Lost

They were living carelessly in the most open and shameless rebellion against God, without a thought for their eternal welfare.

So Many Are Lost! What Are You Doing?

by Jeff Merrick As I am writing this article, or observation if you will, I am sitting in the Denver International Airport on my way...

Don’t Be Afraid To Talk To Everyone About Salvation

What does it mean to be soul-conscious? Talk to anyone any time or, better still, talk to everyone every time. Realize that everybody has a soul. The drugstore clerk, the barber, the shoeshine boy, the beautician, the grocery clerk, the milkman, bread man, service station attendant needs the Lord and we should witness to them.

He That Winneth Souls is Wise- Final

What God Did Through the Testimony of an Fourteen Year Old Boy He that winneth souls is wise! My friend, Dr. Broughton, used to be...

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What Is The Difference Between Legalism & Obedience?

by Wayne Reynolds Legalism is following of a code of conduct that is good for everybody, but does not recognize individual differences or preferences. It...

Do We Have Time To Mentor?

This past week I had the privilege to meet with a family as they were traveling through on their way to a new ministry opportunity. I remembered interviewing this family for a position at a school I previously administrated in Ohio.

Speech: Treasures of the Heart Revealed

"As our speech is a reflection of our true character, our words reveal the REAL us."

10 Ways To Avoid a Mid-Ministry Crisis

Paul, the aged apostle in the last days of his life before martyrdom took him to glory, was giving wise advice to his son in the faith, Timothy.

Holy and Beloved

"The way I treat those around me should not depend on THEIR worthiness, but on HIS!"

Five Core Values Of A Church In Decline

Most people/churches are not “stuck” or in decline because they do not know or understand what the Lord wants them to do…God speaks very clearly in His Word and through His Spirit.

Prayer Helps

Hymn Stories

The Story Behind The Hymn Just As I Am

"Just As I Am" is one of the few hymns for which we know not only the author’s story but also the exact circumstances...

Jesus Paid It All: The Story Behind The Hymn

Jesus Paid It All was written under unusual circumstances. Did your mind ever wander during a Sunday service?

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