Monday, March 31, 2025

God Is Big Enough. Do We Actually Believe That?

There was a time in my life when I thought my red tricycle was the biggest thing in town. My older brother would have to carry it down the steps, off the front porch, and onto the sidewalk.  I would have to climb onto the tricycle and down the sidewalk, I would go. Big stuff wasn’t it until I needed a bicycle with training wheels. My perspective on the size of things seems to change the older or bigger I get.

There was a time in my life when I thought my red tricycle was the biggest thing in town. My older brother would have to carry it down the steps, off the front porch, and onto the sidewalk.  I would have to climb onto the tricycle and down the sidewalk, I would go. Big stuff wasn’t it until I needed a bicycle with training wheels. My perspective on the size of things seems to change the older or bigger I get.

I grew up attending church.  My perspective concerning God matured as I gained more knowledge through His Word. I wanted to know how big God was.  I always heard He was big enough to rule the mighty universe, yet small enough to live in my heart!
The Bible tells us in Isaiah 40 that God measured the waters in the hollow of His hand. He weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance. He measured the heaven with His hand.  He declares the nations are as a drop in a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the balance. The Word of God continues to say He could sit in the circle of the earth, and the people compared to Him are the size of grasshoppers. It continues to declare that He stretches out the heavens like a curtain.
God is big! There is no problem too big that He cannot solve it. There is no mountain too tall that He cannot move it. He could carry the world, and He can carry you.
Our perspective is so important regarding the decisions we make. Our attitudes and actions affect our outlook on the circumstances and the challenges we face every day.
We can take great comfort in the fact that nothing is too big for God. He can help us with our fears and calm our storms with a “peace be still”. His desire is for us to trust in Him and turn our hearts to Him for guidance.  Aim in His direction and take the next step.

Now the perspective changes drastically. The more knowledge I have of Him the smaller I become.  Challenges require greater wisdom, and the work piles a mile high. I need that big God!  So I sit back in my chair and I ask this question.   “Is He big enough for me? Yes! Now get to work!”

by Pastor Ron Hon

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