Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Focus On Being A Friend Rather Than Having A Friend

by Jim Kilgore

This week, I have spent much more time in prayer for some people who have burdens which appear be weigh in at a thousand pounds.     Each one I am praying WITH is a praying Christian. It is not that they are incapable of praying on their own, it is just that they needed the support of these that really care about THEM.  Galatians 6:2 reminds us that we are to “Bear one another’s Burdens.”  My next article will deal with this subject.

     I Samuel 30:1-6: In I Samuel chapter 30 we read where David was hurt and his hurt ran to the very depths of his soul.   What caused his grief? The Amalekites, which were the enemy of Israel, had invaded Ziklag, defeated the Israelites, and set the city on fire. As the city was burning, the Amalekites took each of the women and children into captivity.

Following these dreadful events, David and his men arrived at Ziklag only to see the fire burning their homes, and then to discover that each of their women and children were now in enemy hands.

Every man was so overcome with grief that verse four informs us that  “David and his men wept until they had no more power to weep”.

 The unimaginable and inexplicable had actually happened. 

Yet notice verse six.  David’s grief goes to another level. Why? Because his soldiers were now blaming him for their loss.  The crowd was seriously considering the stoning of David.

I have often wondered how this would help their situation at all. There was no word of anyone killed. So there was hope of recovering their families. Therefore, they needed David to lead them in battle to reclaim their families.

I had decided years ago, that I would not allow my hurt to hurt anyone else! I mean, hasn’t there been enough hurt distributed already?  How will my hurt, heaped upon the shoulders of another do anything to help?   It simply adds more weight to the extreme load they are currently carrying.

Lessons to Learn About Providing Hope and Encouragement

  1. Everyone Person Requires Hope!  Therefore,, as a Leader, we must become “Dealers in Hope.”  Are you aware that even a Pastor, on occasion, will need Encouragement & HOPE!
    They need to know there is going to be a better tomorrow! A word of encouragement from a friend, or one that is greatly
  2. The best way in which I provide encouragement to those who are discouraged is toRemind them of God’s Promises.
  •      I love to remind people that God STILL loves them. God said in Jeremiah 31:3: I have loved thee with an everlasting love.”  This simply means that there is no circumstance that would cause YOUR Heavenly Father to withdrawal His love from you. His love is everlasting!  God does NOT withdrawal His love from us, as we all to frequently do another, especially when there is sin involved.  Rather than trying to Biblically Restore the Brother or Sister, we ostracize them.  We criticize, back-bite, and literally withhold any offer of God’s forgiveness and grace.
  •        I love to remind people of how much God cares about them! Peter reminds us of God’s “personal interest” in us as he penned these words, divinely inspired by God Himself, “Casting ALL your care upon Him, (why) for He (God) careth for (who) YOU.” I Peter 5:7.  Dear Reader, God not only loves you, but He cares deeply about the things which you are going through. This is why God has invited YOU to cast (to toss or to throw) ALL of your cares, concerns, fears, hurts, loneliness, upon Him. But why should you? Because God careth for YOU!!•    I love to remind people that God has sent a personal invitation for each Believer to come boldly into His throne of GraceHebrews 4: 16 says: “Let us therefore come boldly (confidently) unto the throne of grace, (why should we) that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”• I love to remind people that God is Omnipotent, which means that our God is All-Powerful. There is nothing too hard for our God to do on our behalf!! Matthew 19:26 states, “But Jesus beheld (means to turn one’s eyes upon to look at) them (you) and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God ALL things are possible.” The question was raised in Genesis 18:14, and again in Jeremiah 32:27 the following: “Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Jeremiah 32:17 provides us with the answer to this crucial question, “Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is NOTHING too hard for thee.

    Aren’t you grateful to share in the promises which God has made to those of us who are Believers
    Thank God for His promises which become a soft pillow for the troubled heart.
    Whom do you know that needs your encouragement today? Will you help encourage them in the Lord today?

Will you commit to focus more on “Being a Friend, than in Having a friend? It will become a life-changing decision for you. There are so many hurting hearts in this world.

Original article can be found at

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