Sunday, February 16, 2025

God Asked me to Go; How Could I Say No!

by Jim Kilgore

In the Book of Jonah, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and cry against it. Jonah refused. His prejudice for the Ninevites ran so deep in his soul that when God said to GO, Jonah actually said NO! Amazing! I simply do not understand how anyone could say no to God. He created us; died on the cross for us; saved us when we repented of our sins and received Him as our Savior. No, I could not refuse Jesus Christ! God has opened the door for me to do something which is so big that I am dwarfed by the magnitude of it. God has opened the door for my Missionary Team to take the Gospel and win souls and start Churches on EACH of the 7 Continents! I am humbled with this call.

I have been asked by several people, “Why go to Other Countries?” There is so much work needed to do here. My simple answer has been: America has heard the Gospel repeatedly! America has rejected the Gospel, for the most part. Yet, Untold Billions are STILL Untold all over the world! I can no longer sit idly by and not get involved in “Rescuing the Perishing and Care for the Dying.”

• In Yemen, a tiny Middle Eastern Country. Twice the population of Kentucky, a state in America, with 24 million people, has only EIGHT KNOWN Christians in their Entire Country! I must go for them!

• Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world with around 251 million people. It also is the largest population of Muslims of any country. Yet, if my facts are correct, has only five Independent Baptist Churches in the entire country. This is why I must go!

• As of 9/11/13, there are 7.2 Billion people living on this planet. Yet, in the 10/40 window, there are 4.65 BILLION people living in these countries with 2.25 BILLION classified as have NEVER heard the Gospel! Think about this for a moment. They have NEVER heard the Gospel! This is why I MUST go!

• Pakistan is the SIXTH Largest with a Population of Country of 183 million! The number of KNOWN Christians are 238,000.

The population of India is: 1 Billion 255 Million precious souls! The number of Christians are 21 million. This leaves 98 % unevangelized. 2% Evangelized

So, why must I go?

I. I have a Specific Call: I neither offered, nor Volunteered for this! It was too Big for me to conceive.

A. The Call: In December 2012, while praying, God extended the call to “Go Global with the Gospel.”

B. The Confirmation of the Call:

• Philippians 4:13: “I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me.”

• Jeremiah 33:33: “Call unto Me and I will answer thee and showest thou GREAT and Mighty things which thou KNOWEST NOT”

• Matthew 19:26: “But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, with men this is impossible, but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.”

• John 15:5: “…without Me, ye can DO NOTHING.”

• Each of these verses confirmed to me that, although the task is daunting and impossible for ME to accomplish, I would not be alone. I would not need to go in my power, but in the power of God Himself! It reminded me, “I can’t, but God CAN!

• Then God gave me I Corinthians 7:29: “…the time IS short.” Therefore, I must do all that I can while I can for the Glory of God!


II. I have  Sincere Compassion: I care about the Lost. I care about your eternal, never dying soul. Your Soul WILL live somewhere, forever!

A. Jude 1:22: “And some having compassion, MAKE A DIFFERENCE.” I want to be a Difference-Maker.

B. Psalm 142:4: “….No man cared for my Soul.”


III. I have a Steadfast CauseI Sam. 17:29: “And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?”


A. My Cause is to Evangelize the World. God has allowed me to become a part of something so incredibly big, that I am overwhelmed w/ responsibly of it.


B. Here are my CORE Beliefs which Motivate me to say Yes to God’s Plan:


1) I believe w/ all my heart that All are sinners (Rom. 3:23)

2) I believe w/ all my heart that w/o Jesus-ALL will go to hell (Rev. 20:14-15)

3) I believe w/ all my heart that Jesus paid for EVERYONES (Heb. 2:9)

4) I believe w/ all my heart that ANYONE CAN be forgiven(Rom. 10:13)

5) I believe w/ all my heart that God has ALREADY prepared hearts Acts 8: Ethiopian Eunuch was seeking God; so God SENT a man, just like me, just like other missionaries, to Win him to Jesus Christ!

6) I believe w/ all my heart I Cor. 7:29: I have Experience, Soul-winner (Hundreds have been saved in 8.5 months) Knowledge, BUT 1 things I DON’T Have and this is time. Every time your heart beats two people slip off into eternity! I cannot wait; I must go win souls and start Churches!
How shall they hear? Untold Millions was the Missionary Cry of Yester-year. Not for me! My Missionary cry is: Untold Billions are still Untold!


But you may die, some have said to me. Yes, I might. I might at that. But if through my death there is a man like Saul of Tarsus watching and later gets saved and spreads the Gospel, will my life have been worth it? I think so.


Philippians 1:21: “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Original article can be found at

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