Monday, March 10, 2025

How To Always Be Prepared For Soulwinning

by Jack Hyles

Personally I think it much better to carry a Testament than a Bible. Now do not be ashamed of the Bible, but if you plan to shoot a fellow, don’t carry your gun out in the open up to his house. The best thing to do is to conceal your weapon. If I were going to shoot you, Dr. Rice, I wouldn’t say, “Dr. Rice, here I come. Here’s my gun. Here you are. Bang! Bang!” Dr. Rice would be out of the way by the time I got there. Now when some folks see you walking up the sidewalk with a big Bible, they will be hiding in the closet by the time you get there. If you have done much soul winning, you know what I’m talking about. Simply get out of the car and walk up to the door with a concealed Bible or Testament. Walk up the sidewalk with a big Bible and people will say, “Here comes the preacher.” Mama says, “Tell him I’m not home.” So the little fellow comes to the door and says, “Mama told me to tell you she wasn’t home!” Now the reason is, they have you spotted.

But I get out of the car with a little Testament tucked away in my pocket, walk up to the door and since they don’t know who it is, I have an inroad. When you do to win souls, the best thing is to keep your weapon concealed until you get into the house.

Carrying two Testaments is good also. I don’t do this as religiously as I used to, but I did for years. You can buy inexpensive ones for about 25 cents. Let the lost person read from one and you read one. After you win him to Christ, give it to him as a souvenir. You can write on the inside that it was given to So and So on such and such a date (the date of the conversion), with a “God bless you” and a Scripture verse. Give him a Testament and keep one yourself. On occasion you might use his Bible if you see it around. I don’t sit beside the person when I win him. I used to. Now I sit across the room. Two or three reasons why. One, it is always best to sit across the room if you are dealing with the opposite sex. Then it is best to look in the person’s eyes when talking to him.

by Jack Hyles from the book Let’s Go Soulwinning

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