Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Way We Are Headed, America Is Done

by Kent Brandenburg

In my viewpoint, America is done as a nation. What does that mean to us? It really doesn’t change anything, because first we are citizens of heaven. This world is not our home. Perhaps we can stop thinking so much about this world and not the next. The only opportunity the country has is to repent and turn to God, and I’m talking about the nation, not just the churches. We should desire, in the midst of judgment, pockets of God’s mercy. It’s a better situation than Sodom, because there are far more than ten righteous. However, we’re on our way there for many reasons. As well, we can slow it down, slow down the ultimate demise, and we should want that for our children and grandchildren. The grandparents and parents should consider that. This is not just about you, whether you’re going to enjoy the end of your life, but what will leave behind for your children. Whether we have good churches, whether those churches are obedient, does matter. You can hasten destruction. You can make it much more difficult for the future on this earth for your children and grandchildren by what you do. You want to be an influence of righteousness if not being a basis for God withholding judgment yourself. He deserves to be honored even in the midst of wickedness, like an Elijah and Elisha of old. Let’s do what we can do.

by Kent Brandenburg

Original article can be found at

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  1. This opinion is killing Christians. I keep hearing preachers say that America is done. Souls cant be saved. People just don’t care for church anymore. The fact of the matter is that these preachers have no faith in the power of the gospel. The gospel will change lives no matter how far in sin the person goes. This mentality of “Lets all just bunker down and wait for Jesus to come or die waiting” is the reason why people aren’t getting saved. This article shows the “victim” mentality of “Well we cant win the lost, but lets just look for God’s pockets of mercy and hope we can still have church.” God has not said in His word that He will destroy America and she has no hope. The pockets of mercy the writer is referring to is the account of Habakkuk praying that God would remember mercy in His wrath. Israel was going to be destroyed. God had said so. God hasn’t done that with America as far as i have read the Bible. The city of Corinth worshiped a god of sex. That’s what their religion consisted of. A church was planted there because of teh power of the gospel. Paul wouldn’t have seen a soul saved if he had doubted the power of the gospel. The most discouraging thing you can tell your congregation and especially your young people is the fact America cannot be changed by the gospel. Do not blame God for your church not growing when you have an attitude of faithlessness.

  2. I agree with the person who views like this is what is killing the US if I was the devil I would let everyone think it is over , done with read your bible where there was a battle with Gods people and God did get involved, he always comes out on topside , why fight if you will lose why go the extra mile if you will be shot down at every turn it state there will be par less times come But it does not say it will stay that way , it says teachers having itching ears , but it does not say that they will stay that way Look at Joel 1 ,2 , and 3,J oe:2:19: Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:,oe:2:25: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.!Joe:2:27: And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. !Joe:2:29: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.!
    oe:1:6: For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion. notice in Joel 2;17 It asks that the preachers go out and pray to spare the people and it also says that he will turn form his anger , he says in 2;19 that his people will not be a reproach among the heathen he will restore the years , a nation upon my land strong and without number we are the Lion the Us the great Lion is England so I wish pastors would read there bible and get there fire back , get there standards back and get the cowardliness behind them in Mathew it state tow will be in the field one will be taking the other left , two in the bed one will be taking the other left , so that my friends is half of the world population , when Satin was in heaven in God ‘s house he took one out of tree when God comes a calling on satin in his home he is going to one out of two, so please stop limiting God when you do then you are preventing God form coming back , because before he does there will be a revival that will come all over the world, Patsy Allen my thought and most likely mine alone I have a dream that pastors stop felling like a defeated man and grab your bibles and get going again.

  3. I greet you, brothers and sisters, in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. The mistake many believers make is to continue to look at this world in terms of national interests. Do not say America is done, say the world is done. Do not say the only way things can change is for America to repent, it is for the world to repent. What is wrong in America is wrong in the world. Never forget that Europe and Britain were America’s predecessors in the faith. their path tells the story of where nations go in this world. Do not forget what the Word of God teaches us about that. Do not expect of your own nation to buck the trend just because it is your nation. Live in joy knowing that victory is already assured and that a great multitude WILL sit at the feet of the Almighty one day, of whom many will be Americans, Africans, Asians, Brits, Europeans, Semites, you name them. I agree we should not say these are done or those are done, we should praise God that His will is done and that His Word is proving true every day. “My Kingdom is not of this world,” our Lord said. Work towards His Kingdom, release yourselves from worldly nationalistic fervour. May our Lord bless you and the work of your hearts as you follow His way!

  4. Fast forward to 2023. If brother Brandenburg thought it was bad back in 2014 what does he think now? What do I mean? How about the covid debacle and the lies that followed that cost millions of lives along with the dictatorial oppressive restrictions that went along with it? How about a rigged illegitimate Presidential election in 2020 and another obviously rigged illegitimate election in 2022? How about the unjust persecution of a former President? What about the lie of the January 6 so-called insurrection? What about treasonous sellout RINO Republicans? What about the Joe and Hunter Biden scandal of which very little to nothing is being done about due to corruption in the DOJ? What about the totally corrupt so-called news media that lies and covers for Liberal, Leftist Democrats and their agenda? What about race baiting, hypocritical demagogues? What about the tearing down of America’s founders and their monuments? What about the total sellout to Communist China by our government and big business? What about our government, military, schools and colleges, big business companies, and even some so-called churches selling out to and supporting the abomination of sodomy and the lgbtq agenda? What about gender fluid nonsense? What about the millions of babies aborted even up to birth? Yes, America is in big trouble! God’s holy, inerrant, infallible, inspired, preserved word the Authorized King James Bible says: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17) And II Chronicles 36:16 says: But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy. I pray America is not in such a situation today, but only God knows. In the meantime what are we to do? Be good soldiers of Jesus Christ and fight the good fight of faith. (II Timothy 2:3, I Timothy 6:12) Earnestly contend for the faith. (Jude3) Preach and teach the gospel and all the word of God. (Matthew 28:19-20) Stand. (Ephesians 6:13-14) Look. (Titus 2:13) Amen.


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