Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Preacher’s Wife

I often jokingly say about my wife, “If I had known that she was going to be a preachers wife, I’m not sure I would have married her.

When 45 years ago God called me to preach we began a new and exciting life together that I wouldn’t change for anything.  It has not always been an easy life.  That’s what makes having a wonderful helpmeet such a great blessing.

Leaving a successful budding career at IBM with two children and no human idea what the future would hold my precious wife never flinched.

She often speaks with me at couples conferences and often without me at ladies meetings.  Her faith and support for me and her commitment to the Lord are a great inspiration to me.  Below I want to share with you a abbreviated glimpse of her testimony.  I hope it will be a blessing to you.


Nancy Mattingly

James 4:14  “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

When I was a child I never once thought I would be the wife of a preacher.  I was raised in a Catholic home went to a Catholic grade school.  We never read the Bible. We were never encouraged to do so.  Hum I wonder why?  You think maybe because it had the truth in it and the truth shall set you free.

In 1967 I was set free, my life was transformed when I gave my heart and life to Christ.  The first thing I wanted to do was to let my family (Brothers and Sisters) know what had happened to me.  To my surprise they weren’t excited.  It is amazing to me how people are afraid for their life to change.  In that little Church in Bowling Green Kentucky  were I got saved my husband was called to preach our lives changed forever.  Yet it seems like just yesterday.  Since that time many of my family members have been saved.

I am so thankful the Lord gave us the time and the courage to witness and be a witness to my family.  Ladies we need to remember that our life here on earth is like a vapor that appeareth for a little time and vanisheth away.  I am so thankful that when the Lord saved me he changed me from the inside out.  He changed my desires and my wants.  He gave me the desire to live for him and not myself.  He helped me to serve him in a capacity which I had never dreamed of or even thought of.  To know Him is to want to serve Him  no matter where you are in your life. I am praying as you read this that if God speaks to you that you will just say not my will but thine Lord.  Remember so little time and the harvest will be over.  What will you do with the rest of your life?

by Nancy Mattingly


Original article can be found at http://lonniemattingly.com/2012/11/28/my-preachers-wife/

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  1. Thank you for that wonderful testimony. Sometimes I find it hard to put into words what God has done. The part of your testimony that stuck out for me is that he changed you from the inside out. Change your desires to be for him and not yourself. I am so grateful that the Lord has done that very thing for me as well. It makes serving him such a joy. My husband and I have been pastoring in Northern Nevada for 25 years. Thank you for your testimony of 45 years and still going strong for the Lord.


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