Saturday, December 21, 2024

Why America Desperately Needs Prayer And Revival

by Jim Kilgore

We have become a prayer less generation! Many Christians do not know what it is like to pray for even 1 hour at a time. We say that we believe in prayer, but spend so little time on our knees begging God to save America and your Country! We say we believe that God answers prayer, yet are literally SHOCKED whenever WE receive a specific answer. Why? Because many Christians have become Atheistic Believers. We BELIEVE that God can, yet DOUBT that He will move in response to our prayers.

Great Men of God Believed in Praying

· Dr. Jowett said, “I’d rather teach ONE man how to pray than to teach TEN men how to preach.”
· Baxter said, “Men may spurn our appeals; reject our message; oppose our arguments; but they are HELPLESS against our prayers.”
· Judson said, “The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from our prayer less studies; from our prayer less witnessing; from our prayer less work; YET he trembles when we pray!
· John Wesley said, “Sir, I’m too busy NOT to pray.”
· Martin Luther said, “I am so busy that I must spend the first three hours in prayer.”
· James 5:16 says: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

The Secret of ALL Failure is Prayerlessness

We Christians put on such a show; lives filled with mere pretense. I am weary of mere talk. We can talk a great game. Christians, America NEEDS us to pray! Revival WILL NOT come apart from the prayers of the Righteous Believer. We MUST Have Revival in America!!

America, Please Don’t Wait until it’s too Late!

In Luke chapter 16 we read of a poor soul that entered into the School of Prayer immediately upon his arrival in hell! He asked for relief from his pain. But it was too late! He begged Abraham for just one drop of water to cool his tongue for he is tormented by the flames of hell. But it was too late! He earnestly pleaded that someone warn his brothers about hell. But it was too late! He was turned down! I believe that prayerlessness on earth will go unanswered in hell.

In the Book of Genesis God used one righteous man that Walked with Him to Warn the World of the judgment He was about to send to a godless, God rejecting society. Noah faithfully preached the message of God, yet not even one person would receive the message from God’s man. No, not even one! The entire world could be saved from the flood! Yet they waited one day too late. The rain fell and eventually the flood waters covered the face of the earth and every man, woman and child died. It was so needless. If only they would have believed and received the message of God.

In the Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah warned the nation about the judgment of God that was about to fall upon them. They, like America, chose to ignore the Call from the Man of God. Yet in the Book of Lamentations, we see the people of God being carried into captivity because of their sins. Hear the cries, the screams, feel their pain as they are now experiencing the fruit of the sin. Feel their pain; experience their loss; above all, learn from their apathy and casual approach to God.

Look around you Christian. Don’t say that it cannot happen to America! We must, we must, we must, we MUST have revival in America! This revival can start with you!

Will you join me as I am trying to call America back to God?

In the book of Jonah an entire city fell to its knees repenting of their sin and God heard their cry and saved each one! This was a city steeped in their sin. This was a city in the Prophet Jonah was hoping would continue in their calloused ways. Yet they repented and experienced the forgiveness of sins.

This can happen to your Church, to your City, to your Country, to your Continent.

My prayer, burning from the depth of my heart and soul has been, “God save America! When I surrendered to preach 39 years ago, I only asked two things from God than, and I pray them daily now. First, God help me to Win many souls to Jesus Christ. Second, help me to be used of you to Wake up America and save our Nation! I have six Children and 15 Grandchildren at the preaching of this message. I do NOT want to see them experience what the Children of Israel experienced.

· Again, will you join me by Repenting of your sin, as I have done?
· Will you Return unto God as I have done?
· Will you beg God for Revival each day for our nation?
· Will you Rededicate your LIFE unto becoming a Difference-Maker for Jesus Christ and America?

I want to hear from you at: [email protected]

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  1. AMEN! First of all we need to repent of our personal sins, sins of omission as well as if not more than sins of commission. Please pray for me, brethren! Let us all pray for one another, then for our churches, and then we may begin to turn our attention to our country.

  2. Break up my fallow ground. Give a heart just like Your own.
    Where Your Word will find sweet soil,everywhere that it is sown.
    Break up my fallow ground. Rid my heart of sinful stone.
    Break up my fallow ground, my heart Your throne.

  3. We are a prayer less generation indeed for which many of us are not feeling true joy to come in our life but anxieties and restlessness..We experience a little measure of His presence in our life.I am in praying with you for the revival to come all over the world including America to taste God’s love .May God grant us the spirit of prayer and meet us in our weakness.


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