Tuesday, December 3, 2024

What Jesus Says About Anxiety

In preparing a Sunday School lesson on Matthew 6:19-34, this list jumped out at me, and I thought it could help Christian brothers and sisters put anxiety in perspective. As someone familiar with the “thorn” of anxiety, I pray this comforts you as much as it does me.



Verses 19 & 20 – Earthly things are not permanent.

Verses 21-23 – It will take your eye off the ball.

Verse 24 – It will make you slack in your service to God.

Verse 25 – You don’t need these things as bad as you think you do.

Verses 26 & 28 – God has given us examples in nature to show us it’s not necessary.

Verse 27 – Your worry can’t change anything.

Verse 30 – It shows a lack of faith.

Verse 32 – God is already on the job.

Verse 33 – There are much more (eternally) important things that could be occupying your time/effort.

Verse 34 – Living in “What If? Land” takes away from your ability to handle the things of today.

With all this said, please remember that some Christians have genuine physical issues of the brain that can hinder their ability to grasp these things. If you or someone you know is affected by depression or generalized anxiety disorder, there is no shame in seeking the help of a qualified physician. However, the best plan would be to follow doctor’s orders while also being counseled by your pastor and spending much time seeking comfort in the scriptures. May God help those who diligently seek Him!

by Chris McGinnis

Article submitted to Independentbaptist.com

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