Thursday, February 27, 2025

Why I Still Wear A Tie To Church

by David Reagan

In an age when shorts, sweatpants, and bare midriff (sometimes all at the same time) are considered acceptable attire for most churches, I stand out like a wooly mammoth. In this day of extreme casual, more and more men are throwing away their ties when they go to church.

Like some newly awakened Rip Van Winkle, I still wear mine. I thought I would tell you why.


Nothing in the nature of a necktie either compels us to wear it or condemns it—though some have tried to connect it to an evil beginning.  Those who use it practice the tradition of giving honor to our Lord by dressing up a bit when they go to meet with His people to worship Him. So I ask: Is this practice encouraged or discouraged in scripture?

In the parable told by Christ in Matthew 22:11-12, the king expected each of his guests to come with the proper “wedding garment.”  Not to do so was to show disrespect for the king and for the occasion.  In like manner, our forefathers felt it important to come to church with clothing that showed proper respect to the Lord and to the occasion.  In different times and places, that proper respect was shown in different ways.  But it was shown.  Even the Saturday night bath was established for the purpose of being physically clean and properly trim on the Lord’s Day.

Today we swerve boldly in the other direction. We energetically oppose dressing especially for church. Many even consider it hypocritical to do so. We should come as we are and avoid any pretense. But do the dress patterns of today prove that we have a greater sincerity and are more genuine than our predecessors? I think not.

The slouchy dress that we see in worship services directly corresponds to our flippant attitude toward meeting with our Maker and Saviour. We have lost our respect for the spiritual dimension of God meeting with His people. Now, we want to dress like we would at a backyard barbecue. God is everywhere. Why approach His house with any more formality than we would enter the neighborhood grocery store?

The Key Word For Today Is Comfort!


“Why shouldn’t I feel comfortable?  After all, my comfort is the main thing.  I’m not going to go out of my way for anyone–even God.” We exult in our come-as-you-are philosophy. Our services have become user-friendly for everyone except God. More and more, He seems to be left out in the cold. O how we love ourselves unto death!

The Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes may be a tradition that is quickly fading away.  But it was a good tradition and one whose parting is just another sign of the times–the last times.  Where is our sense of awe in the presence of God?  He says He dwells in the midst of us when we meet with Him (Matthew 18:20). The church is the people, not the building. When the people of the church meet, they become the “house of God” (1Timothy 3:15); they become His dwelling place. What a special privilege to enter into this presence!

Psalm 96:8-9 “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.”

The Least We Can Do


When I meet with the congregation of the Lord, I count it not a burden, but an honor to give extra pains in preparation, in physical cleanliness, and in dressing up.  I count it a privilege to wear my Sunday best.  Any discomfort I may feel from a tie about my neck, from a coat about my body, or from clothes too good for playing kickball is offset by the solemnity and wonder of the occasion.

It is seldom that we in America get to suffer anything for the Saviour who suffered so much for us.  The least I can do (and I mean the least) is to honor Him by dressing more formally when I come to His church than I do for other events.  Certainly, I can suffer a necktie for Him.

3 Reasons Why I Wear Skirts Full-Time


Original article can be found at

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  1. I wear a suit and tie to church. I am also a preacher. I take my profession as seriously as a doctor or a lawyer. I do not think that people who come to church should feel like they need to dress up. I do so because my personal preference. I am just happy that someone made the effort, cared about their souls enough, and came to church. What they choose to wear their is not my concern, if they encounter the presence of God or not while they are there is my concern

    • Neither my lawyer, nor my doctors (any of them), wear a suit, sport coat or tie. So should I feel superior to them or just consider them unwashed pagans and look for new ones? (FTR, I am a pastor too. Those who think that being a pastor makes them somehow spiritual superior should study Paul’s discussion of the Nicolaitans.) NOTHING in Scripture suggests that Jesus or the Disciples wore anything nicer than the common man wore — perhaps not even as nice as some in the community. I believe He is quite disgusted with the whole of this debate and I actually have more Biblical support for such a contention than anyone who has insisted that ties and coats are a church “standard” have shown.

      • It is like you did not read any of my comment other than the parts you wanted to. I hope you do not approach the rest of your life that way. Should I copy and paste so you can understand?. “I do not think that people who come to church should feel like they need to dress up. I do so because of my personal preference. I am just happy that someone made the effort, cared about their souls enough, and came to church. What they choose to wear is not my concern, if they encounter the presence of God or not while they are there is my concern” I would like to see your lawyer show up in court like that by the way. You might want a new one. Also, you should probably stop seeing the doctor in the van down the road. I have cancer ( brain cancer ) and ALL of my doctors want to look professional as to appear that they take their job seriously. I also said it was my preference, and did not put it on you to do the same. I highly doubt you have a very educated opinion on the matter seeing as your reply barely met requirements to be basic English

        • Wow…you’re a preacher who takes his job seriously enough to want to *look* professional, but apparently not enough to *act* that way. A preacher who takes his job seriously would respond to someone with grace instead of insulting their intelligence.

  2. I loved and totally agreed with this article. From what I gather from this writing is that it is not about the tie and coat, but more about what we can do for God and how we need to look. Also we need to sacrifice ourselves and be an example to others. What is wrong with dressing up for God who has done so much for us? We need to get away from OUR comfort and do extra for God. These days, it seems to be all about US and our comfort, what do I want. We need to put ourselves out more for God. I teach our children in Sunday School that we need to dress up as if we were going to a special wedding. I say special, because these days many go to weddings in overalls and jeans and tee shirts. Where is the respect? Have some respect for the house of God and do a little extra for Him. Get dressed, as in take extra time and dress up for the King! I could go on and on about this because this is an issue with me! I hate how people are dressed and then going to church like they are going to a ballgame. Lets get dressed for the King!!!

  3. I do not understand why one man who states his opinion has to be blasted with such negative toned comments simply for stating his opinion/standards. I think we can all agree that Christians of today have fallen away from the principles of God’s Word which have caused us to lower our standards. We have missed the entire message of the Bible which is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and living a life of holiness (separation). We can all put our opinions on here, but that does not make any of them right. It should always be “THUS SAITH THE LORD!” I appreciate the simple fact that he took time to express it and state principles from God’s Word.

  4. ‘The slouchy dress that we see in worship services directly corresponds to our flippant attitude toward meeting with our Maker and Saviour’.

    Tell that to John the Baptist, the wild man who wore camel hair tied by a leather belt. Would he be welcome in your church or would his ‘slouchy’ dress prove that he has a ‘flippant attitude’ toward God?

  5. We need to be mindful of taking Scripture out of context. We need to flee from making Scripture fit into OUR needs or beliefs. As Christians, this is something we are notorious for. Rather we need to know God’s Word. Our need is to know God more.

    Lets take a look at what is going on in this parable. Since the king sent the slaves to round up common-people on the streets, because those who were invited rejected it, the king had to provide the “wedding garments”. Because they would have been wearing their common wear, their ordinary clothes. As we read this Passage we understand that “wedding garments” is a metaphor for the righteousness of Christ. But the man who came in “without wedding clothes” came in thinking he was righteous in and of himself. He was basically telling the king I don’t want to wear your “wedding garments”. Remember, the common people gathered are both good and evil. This parable is meant to illustrate how sometimes we enter the house of God thinking we have self righteousness, that we don’t need what God offers to us freely.

    Because if you are saying this passage is specifically talking about the way we dress to go to church, physically, then verse 13 says we are to “bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness…”
    You would be saying that all people who don’t dress with a shirt and tie are not welcomed in the church building.

    But see, this parable is talking about the heart of a person. Our King, Jesus, has already prepared the wedding. All we need to do is put on the righteousness of Christ.

  6. Paul taught against traditions because while some people are worrying over the styles that come and go in church, there’s a much bigger picture that is being ignored. A lot of the people we should be reaching can’t afford ties or nice Sunday attire so they’re made to feel out of place and underdressed. Most people we should be reaching have no idea about the “traditional” ways of dress at churches, they just know there’s a void that they want to fill. This is silly….. Legalism at its finest!! So I take it on Wednesday nights when it’s more casual, your worship services are lacking since there’s less people with ties? Seriously….

  7. The 1Sam 16:7 is an worn out ‘excuse’ they is pulled sooooo far out of context. Folks, read it…it has NOTHING to do with clothing, and everything to do with physical ‘stature.’ David didn’t look outwardly like Eliab and the others in his ‘physique’…NOT clothing. Secondly, why do so many adhere to ‘moral law’ of the old covenant, over a woman ‘wearing that which pertains to a man’ Duet 22:5…YET, pass right over 1 Cor 11 ‘a woman’s UNCUT hair is givin to her for a covering’…?? Also, pass right over Paul’s admonition AGAINST wearing outward ornamentation / jewelry…in 1 Tim 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
    Q. How can so many Baptists omit such blatantly clear scriptures AGAINST outward Adornment be ‘passed over’?? And then gag over wearing or not wearing a neck tie…:( Come on folks, preach ALL of it!!

  8. Ties or no ties…really? There’s a dying world out there, there’s lost people to reach, Hell is real, and eternity lasts a long time. “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” “Put on the full armor of God.” Worship Jesus. Do you really think Jesus is like, “wow, what a nice tie, how impressive…golly, look at that slob with jeans and t-shirt, how horrible…”? Come on, this is just ridiculous. Life is way too short and eternity way too long to waste time trying to figure out what I’m supposed to wear to church or not wear to church. Who cares?! You want to wear a tie, then wear a tie. Go for it. I’m sure you look great. But be careful that you’re not looking down on everyone else without a tie as though they’re all still on the Jr. Varsity Christianity team while you and your tie are on the Varsity team.

  9. Here is something to think about. If you dress up to go out on a date with someone you are hoping or already have a relationship with because you are or hoping to fall in love with. But the only person in this world that completely and truly loves you, who gave his life for you so you could have eternal life, you don’t feel it important to dress up for? I know that dress does not determine our measure of love and thanksgving, but is it wrong for us to make an outward sign? But we should not judge, look down our noses at those you don’t or can’t dress as nice as us. The exact opposite should happen we should make those who are not as well dress as us feel that are just as important as others. By not judging people by the way they dress and accepting them as Jesus would that is important. For all those who want to judge me for my comments I do not own any expensive suits, I get mine from Goodwill and I have not paid more than $20 for a tie.

  10. I notice a lot of selfishness in the answers. God see’s the heart. So if you for selfish reasons don’t want to dress your best,or put on your best. Like most people said God see’s your heart. God knows your motive. I suggest you personally take it to the Lord in prayer and dress the way the Lord God would have you to Dress. You can fool Man but you can’t fool God. In America I doubt there is any reason to Dress like a Bum. If the president of the United States came to your house, would you meet him in your Bathroom dressed in a bathrobe? Would a man wear a dress and high heels in the presents of the Lord? Would a woman dress in a skimmpy bathing suit to church? God knows your heart? Are you going to dress your way or God’s way? How many people hear are willing to let God change their hearts? That is what I am wondering.

  11. In everything we should bring our best as unto the Lord. How are we to know what someone’s best is. Come as you are Jesus says. This can only breed contempt and condemnation. Is it really more important than a soul… I think not. Man has defined the “attire” for church over the years, not God. When Adam and Eve were cast from the garden they clothed themselves in animal skin. If we come modestly there should be no issue, rather leave it up to a persons conviction between them and the Lord. This kind of stuff does nothing for the kingdom of God and winning souls.

    • My have we lowered our standards when honoring God. I doubt that most people who go to church can’t dress nice in the United States. As far as winning souls or just come as you are, Does that mean never change? And dress like a bum all the time. All I am saying is God knows your heart and atitude towards him. I believe when a person really gets saved he would want to do his best to please the Lord. I saw a Pastor once dressed in jeans and flannel shirt not even tucked in on a sunday morning getting ready to preach, So we left and went to another church years ago. Why? Because he didn’t look like he took the word of God serious. So would you do it for the Lord? I bet most wouldn’t.

  12. Well, the one point this topic demonstrates is the cause of division, and the condemnation of many pastors and churches by other pastors. There is no Biblical dress standard, day of worship, or diet for the Body of Christ.
    Here Are Just A Few Of The Divisive Issues Fostered By The Brethren. Neck Ties, Sideburns, Mustaches, Facial Hair, Hair Off The Collar Or Neck, Wire Rimmed Glasses, Women Sleeping In Pajamas, Prerecorded Music, Musical Instruments, Power Point, Holding The Microphone, Cowboy Boots, Bell Bottom Pants, Kitchen In The Church, No Nurseries, No Jr. Churches, Etc.
    Not, I believe a pastor has a right to stand on his head and preach, if he so chooses. But, to suggest that other pastors should do likewise it insanity. I guess we could demand that a preacher lay on his side for a while. I have a text. “Lie thou also upon thy left side…” Ezekiel 4:4.

    • You can take any scripture and make it fit your own views. When a Christains grows in the Lord, he will not continue to dress like a bum. If you want to honor God dress like a Bum and you won’t go to a job interview dressed like a bum, than you are a hyprocrite. Like I said God knows your heart and God Knows if you put self above him and his word. unmodest dress is of the world and you know it. If there is no standards and no conviction on how you dress than every one can dress in anything? Right. A place of worship the Lord can look like an ungodly world, just what Satan wants as you take a wet noodle stand. Keep lowering the standards. Come as you are is for the Lost, not the seasoned Christain with no growth? You are taking sides with the world and the devil by lowering yourself. If you know your history when America was great, most people went to church and didn’t dress like bums even during the depression. And not very mant ever put down people who didn’t have much why? because God knows your heart. My great Grandpa had people help him get a suit for going to church on sundays. Today America is rich in wealth and poor in spirit. And it shows when most Americans has access to better or nice cloths and choose to dress like a Bum. You can argue with me all day and think you have some special insight with the Lord and than show contempt to the Lord when you know you won’t give your best not that you can’t. It is this attitude why we have an apostacy in the church because there is no Christain dicipleship or even discipline. It shows lack of character and disrespect for the Lord. You call us self rightouse and Hyprocrites and you just became a judge of someone elses motives. And this is the wrong kind of judgement that you pass on. I personally have gone without things to dress appropriate in the meetings with the Church body. I done judge others by their dress, I pray that God helps them to grow and meet their needs. I think you may go backwards instead of forward for the Lord and it is not a good example of being a Christain, if God supplied you with your needs, a job, food , a house and so on, and you honor him by dressing like a bum, sounds very faithless to me. Like I said, That is between you and the Lord. If a man is poor, I would never ever want to pass judgement on him or her. In fact I would want to help.

  13. Wow. This makes me remember why I have run away from legalistic traditionalism. This totally misses the entire point of the Gospel and what it means to be redeemed from sin. Remember, Christ sought out the sinners and tax collectors and condemned those who added standards to scripture then looked down and condemned others for not following their un-biblical extra laws. I am by no means supporting a “come as you are” mentality, as that rejects the Gospel that changes us, but when externals like a tie become an issue, you need to take a big step back and ask God what He wants or risk being a dead man with a really nice looking grave stone.

  14. I hate to bring this up but since this article was written I have personally seen INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST preachers preaching without a tie!!! And I mean the ones who write articles in independent baptist. In the Phillipines, Thailand, Africa, and South America!

    I would love to see the day when the “fundamentalists” would really worry about the “fundamentals”. But, It will never happen.

  15. If you feel that this brings honor to God, more power to you. However, it is vital that we remember that as man looks at the outward appearance, God always looks at the heart.

  16. Some of the very pastors who write articles and contribute to this very web site will go to the Phillipines, Africa, South America, etc. and preach without a tie. How would you address this?


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