Thursday, February 27, 2025

Winging it? Have A Definite Time To Go Soul-Winning

by Jack Hyles

This is one of the most important things in soul winning. If you are to be a soul winner, you have to do it on purpose. You must plan to do it. You must try to do it.

Let me encourage you a bit. I’m sure I speak for others; I know I speak for myself. There never is a day when I want to go soul winning. We’re all made of the same clay and have the same weaknesses. Soul winning is a spiritual matter and the flesh will fight against it. In the summer it is too hot to go. Besides, folks are taking naps and it will make them mad if we wake them up. In a few months it is going to start snowing and we don’t want to go out in the snow because we will catch cold talking through the door, and they would catch cold, too. There is never a good time to go.

Let me say this, though. I never want to quit once I start. In soul winning you have to have a self-starter. You have to start against the grain. You must start because you are supposed to start. I get tired of folks saying, “Dear Lord, give me a burden to win souls.” While you wait on the burden, go out and win a few.  The Lord didn’t tell you to win souls if you have a burden; He said to win them anyway. If you don’t want to, win them; if you feel like it, win them. If we went soul winning every time we felt like it, not a one of us would ever go, because Satan will try to keep us from it. He will keep you at your desk. You may become a great theologian studying things that are good to know, but the Devil will use them to substitute for soul winning.  So have a schedule. The trouble with most preachers—and I’m guilty of it myself—is that we don’t live a disciplined life. Every preacher should have a schedule and try to live by it. Every preacher, every Christian should have a set time in the week or several times in the week when he does soul winning.  Personally, I try to go every Thursday afternoon, every Friday afternoon, and sometimes on Saturday. If I cannot go or do not go one of those times, I substitute another time. I suggest the layman should go when the church has visitation, if possible, and maybe one other time in the week. If you cannot go on visitation night, go another time, but set aside a time and say, “This is my time to win souls.” If you do not, you will probably be a failure.

by Jack Hyles in the book Let’s Go Soulwinning

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